Sunday, January 22, 2012

I Actually Found It!!

Well I just kept looking until I found it in the Draft section and published it. I did it Melissa. But as you see there are not any pictures. It just takes me some true concentration and I guess I can overcome my fears. Love to you all. Call or come see us.

well I blew it.

Well I just spent about an hour getting a blog to publish and I published it and found I had made 4 spelling errors in it so I figured out hour to edit the blog and then hit the wrong key and lost it all. See why I say I am Tech challenged!!!!!

A few Days in the life of Mom and Dad

No pictures because I'm so Tech challenged! But we have had some great days since the daisy post. We are enjoying our days. Marion has been so busy with his calling as Bishop-- and we have been so very blessed. All the kids have come to see us and we have been to see most of them. We have been to funerals and weddings. We have been to Canada, Mt. Rushmore, Washington, Arizona , Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Montana,and of course New Mexico. We have played with Grandchildren at Halloween, the 24th of July, the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. We watched our baby graduate from BYU. We now have 12 beautiful grandchildren(7 girls and 5 boys). We have certainly been blessed beyond words. On July 27th while in Albuquerque, New Mexico just after attending a temple session and then a temple wedding of a young girl from our ward, Marion suffered a stroke. Because we were in Albuquerque he was rushed to the UNM Hospital and we as a family chose for him to get the stroke shot--His paralzes and muffled speech were gone within 5-6 hours and with all the prayers of our family, ward, and Stake he left the hopital in 2 days and was at Sacrament Meeting on Sunday to hear one of our Missionaries speak before leaving on his mission. Marion and I still have good jobs in the school district. This is my 30th year of teaching --26 in CCSD. Marion is the parts manager and only had to take off about 10 days after his stroke. Life is good here in Kirtland and we hope 2012 wil continue to be a great year. Yesterday we went to St.Johns to a funeral and meet up with Melissa and her great friend, Cory. So fun to spend some time with them. Now I must see if I can get this blog to Publish......herrrrrrregooooes.....